What To Do If Your Birth Charts Do Not Sync Up
Before we get into more specifics on birth chart compatibility, it’s important to first understand a few basics around some key planets and terms. Some common terms you’ll hear below – and what they represent – include the following.
As an astrologer who specializes in relationships, she says the key to chart comparison is to have an open mind
- Sun – your core personality
- Moon – your emotional side
- Rising/Ascendant – how others see you
As an astrologer who specializes in relationships, she says the key to chart comparison is to have an open mind
- Mercury – communication and logic
- Venus – love life and relationships
- Mars – sexuality and energy
- Jupiter – luck and faith
- Saturn – responsibility and determination
- Uranus – innovation and unpredictability
However, there’s much more to it than the above, says Furiate. “It is also important to know that just because aspects between two charts, or two people, are hard, it doesn’t mean the relationship will not work,” she explains. “Often, easy aspects between charts may be just as challenging. ‘Easy aspects’ could mean that people are not willing to put in the work when times get tough.” But because relationships are learning experiences, she says, often the hard, or less desirable aspects, serve the relationship well – especially when the planets Venus and Saturn are involved. (more…)